270° WEST

The first circumnavigating of the full equator with a boat.

The voyages of Pororoca over the entire Equator will not only be sailing across the oceans, but also navigating the rivers close to latitude 0. When there is no waterway available Pororoca will be trailered by train or road to reach new waterways.

Voyage One starts at the imaginary Island Null, just off the coast of Africa on the equator.

The Atlantic Ocean will be crossed and Pororoca will sail up the mighty Amazon river, all the way to Ecuador. To reach the Pacific Ocean the Andes mountain range has to be crossed by road trailer.

VoyageTtwo starts in the harbour town Guayaquil, Ecuador.

A vast 8.000 miles open water has to be crossed to reach Indonesia. After meandering this big group of islands the finish waits in Singapore.


Voyage Three starts in Singapore and takes Pororoca across the Indian the reach the African continent.

Then Pororoca will be put on a train to Lake Victoria and sail across to Uganda. A lorry will take her to the Kisangani to navigate downstream the Congo river to reach the Atlantic Ocean. Then the last stretch of ocean awaits to reach the Island Null again to complete the full circle around…
